A Blog By Any Other Name

it's about crochet ..... it's about writing ....

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Location: California

Part of me is a wife and mom, part of me is a writer and poet and part of me is still a kid in jeans tooling around in my VW Beetle listening to Joni Mitchell, Carly Simon, James Taylor ... and The Beatles ...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

... the sun is hiding

I think ...
... the sun is hiding today
.......... a million tears have chased it away

Thursday, March 10, 2011

It's a not so exciting 75° on my back porch and it's only 8:30 a.m. but there are two little birds busy building a nest right outside my back door.

I still haven't finished the Christmas rug I started in November. I only have to weave in the ends but there are a LOT of ends. (sigh) I also have stalled on a sweater I've been working on for my daughter for a long time. I can't get the sleeves to look the way I want. (sigh, again)

We had some electrical work done yesterday. I'm happy with what was done ... some repair work, some new ... but I'm like my dog ... don't like people touching my stuff. (big sigh)

Mardi Gras came and went without me. I've heard about it all my life. I know it's a big deal in many places, like New Orleans, but I hear about it and forget about it. So, what are you giving up for Lent? That we did participate in when I was growing up; I usually gave up something like spinach. I tried to do homework once but you can imagine how that went over. I know, giving up something you don't like sort of defeats the purpose. What can I say? I was a kid.

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